Building Your Coding Foundation : 1. CS50

Diving into Godot right away is good, you learn by doing it. but what if you want to get started with more coding foundation? What is the best way to get started with learning Godot Engine?

1. CS50

First thing I started after looking at the official godot doc, was starting CS50. WHY? it was recommended in the document, in the “What do I need to know to use Godot?” section.

If you are entirely new to programming, we recommend following the CS50 open courseware from Harvard University

edx course webspage link

going through CS50, I definitely recommend. though it covers more general programming rather than game making, making hello world and text based programming can be boring and daunting.

Though it does open up a lot in terms of understanding programming. CS50 also has phython specific course, which I plan to take at some point.

It’s 10 weeks course, the course starts with C and dabble into python around the midst of the course, I felt that it may not be necessary to finish the entire course to get started with Godot.

At a glance:

  • 10 Weeks Computer Science Intro Course
  • About 2 hours Lecture each week with extra materials
  • Beginner friendly, course starts based on thinking you have no proior coding experience
  • Teaches you How to learn different programming languages
  • You get to do a lot of coding practices, You can submit your practice problems and get checked

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